Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Fossil Fuel Plant Ban that Was, then Wasn’t

Some of you may be under the mistaken impression that the Hawaii State Legislature is about to ban construction of new fossil fuel plants in the state. You would be thinking that because you read it here.

My mistake. I took my cue from the online post of the next-to-last draft of HB 1464 that was under discussion by a conference committee as the deadline hour approached Friday night. That draft remained online after the committee’s midnight deadline and through the weekend. Alas, the committee reported out this final version without a ban. (Regrettably, my incorrect May 2 post, which has been deleted, will probably remain online as a cache until the end of time.)

So forget the effusive wording in that earlier post. Here’s a newspaper report on some of the late action on this and other bills, including the Governor’s disappointment over the ban’s demise. We share her view.

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